On Saturday (01/12/18) KMTA Wiswakharman held an End-of-Year Evaluation/Evaluasi Akhir Tahun (EAT) of Astha Brata Cabinet. This event was held for evaluating PH and the eight divisions’ performance, their achievements and also obstacles. EAT was started at 09:30 (scheduled 08:00) in K1 Room, Architecture and Planning Department, UGM.
EAT was began with an evaluation by PH: Chairman (Monika Listania), Vice Chairman (Fadiel Abdan), Secretary (Hanifah Nur) and Treasury (Faatihah Cahaya). After PH, evaluation continued by the other eight divisions:
- PSDM (Human Resources Development)
- KI (Internal Prosperity)
- Advosima (Advocacy and Community Social)
- Asdek (Assets and Decoration)
- Humas (Public Relations)
- Media
- Wirausaha (Entrepreneur)
- MIKAT (Interest and Talents)
Then, PH and coordinators of each division started Q&A session. All of KMTA members were also welcome to criticize or give some advices.
The evaluation of each division ended at 15:00, continued by formulating Rencana Anggran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga (AD-ART) KMTA Wiswakharman to be used by the next cabinet. EAT was finished at 18:00 as scheduled, after planning AD-ART was completed.
Chairman of KMTA, Monika Listania