Talk the Walk are back with the theme “Architect on Community”. This time, Talk the Walk are being held on Friday, March 2nd 2018 at Archstudiolab, which delivered by Eko Cahyono Saputro and MAHITALA.
This event opened with welcome speech from one of the lecturer, Mrs. Kurnia Widiastuti, then continued with explanation from MAHITALA. MAHITALA is a community based architect, focused on local potential development, especially on rural area, which the main issues are lack of knowledge and design to reach full potential of a village.
The second session are delivered by Eko Cahyono Saputro, who was a professional community assistant, and an alumnus of Architecture Study Program Universitas Gadjah Mada. In this session, Cahyo shares about became a professional community assistant , and giving some tips on how to divide his time between being a professional community assistant and became an architect at the same time. At the end of the session, the participant looks enthusiastic, it could be seem by some of the questions addressed to Cahyo.
Talk the Walk#5 closed with photograph session with all participant and speaker, and see you in the next Talk the Walk!