- Decentralization Research Grant by Ministry of Higher Education, (consist of seven types of grants, ie: Penelitian Unggulan PT, Penelitian Tim Pascasarjana, Penelitian Fundamental, Penelitian Hibah Bersaing, Penelitian Kerjasama Antar Perguruan Tinggi, Penelitian Disertasi Doktor, Penelitian Dosen Pemula), http://simlitabmas.dikti.go.id
- National Competitive Research Grant by Ministry of Higher Education by Ministry of Higher Education, (consist of six types of grants, ie: Penelitian Unggulan Strategis Nasional, Riset Andalan Perguruan Tinggi dan Industri (RAPID), Penelitian Kerjasama Luar Negeri dan Publikasi Internasional, Penelitian Kompetensi, Penelitian Strategis Nasional, Penelitian Prioritas Nasional (MP3EI)) http://simlitabmas.dikti.go.id
- Training for CPNS lecturer (lecturer bearing civil servant status), by SDM UGM
- Teaching Skills and Career) Training for Young Lecturer, by SDM UGM and PIKA UGM (the training used to be call PEKERTI or AA (Applied Approach) training, but now it called as Student-Centered Learning, Young Lecturer Training (Pelatihan Dosen Muda), or RPKPS (Course Module Document) Training by P3/PIKA UGM
- Teaching Innovation Grants by (P3/ PIKA), such as
- teaching grant PPKB UGM (Basic Aesthetics Course, 2007)
- Student Teacher Aesthetics Role Sharing (STAR) (Basic Aesthetics Course, 2009);
- Entrepreneurship Teaching Grant (2008),
- ELISA E-Learning Grant (Structure and Construction V Course, Architecture History Course, (2010)
- Research Grants and Community Services Grants by LPPM UGM (Division of Research and Community Services UGM)http://simlitabmas.dikti.go.id
- Annual Research Grant and Annual BPPF Seminars by BPPF (Board for Research Development of Faculty of Engineering),
- Biannual International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning held by the department (since 2012)
- Sending teachers abroad for research training (under various funding), such as Hi-Link JICA Short-term Research Visit 2007
- Sending teachers for architecture studio internship (under PHK A2 grant fund 2004-2006)
- laboratory research grant by laboratories of the department (now called KBK(group of expertise)),
- Student-Centered Learning Training (2009), Student-Teacher Aesthetic Role-playing, Student Assessment Training (2011), Learning Outcome writing (2010), by collaboration of study program and P3 (now called PIKA) UGM (Innovation Center for Academic Policy),
- Sending lecturers for Indonesian Architect Association (IAI) Training (2010, 2011, 2015) by ASP and department