On Friday (03/05/2019), Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Arsitektur (KMTA) Wiswakharman’s 56th Anniversary was celebrated. KMTA Wiswakharman is a students’ association consists of Architecture students in their first and second year. This students’ association was established on May 2, 1963, formerly known as “Himpunan Mahasiwa Arsitektur Wiswakharman”.
On that joyful day, all of the members of KMTA Wiswakharman gathered in Pendhapa Tedjo Suminto and inner court. The anniversary celebration was started in the evening when the classes ended and conducted by Iqbal Affandi and Syifa Arafah as the masters of ceremony. The celebration was followed by some great performances from Architecture students. They could show off their talents, such as singing, playing musical instruments and also dancing.
KMTA’s 56th Anniversary was attended also by KMTA’s former president in 2017, Ahmad Yusuf Rabbani.
The celebration was very festive and intimate as they considered themselves as “keluarga” or family. While watching the performances, anyone who was attending the celebration could enjoy the meal served and also “angkringan” from PWK/Urban and Regional Planning students. This event was also attended by some students’ associations in Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada.