Last month, KMTA Wiswakharman held an event called Upgrading KMTA: Dari KMTA, untuk KMTA (in English: KMTA Upgrading: From KMTA, for KMTA) for all members of Astha Brata Cabinet (2017 – 2018). This event was held for two days (March 23 – 24, 2018) at Vila Kaliurang Jl. Astorenggo Hargobinangun, Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This was a collaboration project between two divisions: Kesejahteraan Internal/KI (Internal Prosperity) and Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia/PSDM (Human Resource Development), so that this event consisted of games, sharing, and evaluation.
The first day was full of fun activities that all members of KMTA Wiswakharman could be more intimate. On 19:30 WIB, there was a cooking fried rice competition for all divisions of KMTA Wiswakharman. Each division ought to make fried rice for the judges and for the division members themselves. The cooking competition was festive and fun although it was raining and some of them in the yard had to move to the terrace. After the judges made a decision, they announced the winners of this competition. The winners are KI and PSDM (the best plating). All members continued to have dinner and then they went to bed.
The second day started by doing gymnastics and playing games. After doing games, all members had breakfast together and prepared for the next event, the cabinet evaluation. After cleaning up our body and wearing korsa KMTA, all members gathered making a circle in the hall to conduct a cabinet evaluation. In the next session, the winner of “Best Division of the Month” was announced: Kesejahteraan Internal (Internal Prosperity). The winners of “KMTA of the Month” were also announced: Jasmin Sophia (Arsitektur yang Lain), Kemuning Arumingtyas (Academic of the Month), and Ahmad Dhira (Staff of the Month). Then the head of KMTA Wiswakharman, Monika Listania, also announced some of the divisions that got punished to clean the studio for a week due to their negligence in doing their programs. Those divisions are Minat dan Bakat (Interests and Talents), Media and Aset dan Dekorasi (Assets and Decorations). By giving rewards and punishments, the head of KMTA Wiswakharman hoped that all members of KMTA Wiswakharman could improve their performance in doing their programs.
The evaluation was continued with a talk show with the winners of “KMTA of the Month” and the topic was “From KMTA, for KMTA”. They told all members about how they got their predicate and how they manage their time. The talkshow was followed by a photo session for all members before packing to go home. After that, all members did some bonding activity by writing an impression and message for each other. Lastly, Upgrading KMTA was closed and all members went back home.