Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Arsitektur (KMTA)
Keluarga Mahasiswa Teknik Arsitektur (KMTA) Wiswakharman was founded in 1963, a year after UGM’s Architecture Department was established. This community serves as a platform for students to enhance their social skills, engage in conversations with friends, and connect with their seniors & juniors. Additionally, KMTA acts as a bridge between students and the academic programs and departments, facilitating the communication of aspirations, criticisms, suggestions, and feedback. KMTA also organizes a variety of engaging activities, such as:
- Let’s Learn
Let’s Learn invites various alumni to be speakers and share their experiences and knowledge. The invited alumni come from diverse and interesting backgrounds. This initiative aims to provide information, spark motivation, and give students an overview of the various careers that can be pursued after graduation.
- Architrip
Architrip is an excursion activity to various destinations with attractive and unique architecture, which can be used as learning material. In addition, this activity is usually accompanied by a visit to the Architecture Study Program at another campus or a leading architecture studio or firm.
- Outerior
Outerior is an internal activity for KMTA members to get to know each other better. This activity also invites former KMTA members/leaders to provide input and guidance for the current organizer of KMTA.
- Desa Binaan
Desa Binaan is one of the supporting activities of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, specifically focused on community service. KMTA, in collaboration with Study Programs and Departments, organizes various activities in Desa Binaan, such as Klinik Arsitektur, Gotong-royong Desa, and Arsitektur Mengajar.
- Others Activities
KMTA also often holds various activities with other student communities or internally with the DTAP academic community. These activities vary such as sports events, welcoming new students, music events, and so on.
Rumah Kayu KMTA
The KMTA Wiswakharman secretariat is housed in a wooden stilt structure (Rumah Kayu) in the backyard of the DTAP campus. Constructed through the combined efforts of alumni and students, this iconic building has become a symbol for architecture students. In addition to hosting KMTA activities, the KMTA House serves as a popular spot for students to hang out, do assignments, and have fun.