ARS 4240 Pre-Final Design Project (4 SKS)
The course provides the students with necessary tools to produce a written conceptual design proposal in the form of a bachelor thesis that will be further developed as their final design project on the later stage. Each group of students is assigned to a specific supervisor based on the relevance of the student’s design proposal and the supervisor’s specialty. The course is conducted through a combination of independent studies and scheduled tutorial sessions with the assigned supervisor.
ARS 4102 Final Design Project (8 SKS)
The course provides the students with the ability to transform their conceptual design proposals written in their thesis into architectural form and space programming. To be eligible for this course, students must have completed their Bachelor Thesis with a minimum grade of D, Professional Internship, and at least 8 elective courses. The course is conducted through a combination of independent studies and private tutorial between student and the supervisor.