In commemorating the 55th anniversary of Department of Architecture and Planning UGM, the Architecture and Planning Department in collaboration with students held a series of activities to enliven the event. The series of events lasted for two days and consisted of healthy walking, workshop, and jamming session. The healthy walking was held on Saturday, December 16, 2017 and was attended by all DTAP families from both alumni and students, lecturers and staff. Started at 06.30 WIB, this healthy walking began with gymnastics as a warming up. This healthy walking trip was departed from DTAP then exit the Faculty of Engineering and passed Sardjito Hospital to Civil Engineering Vocational School of UGM, then ended by returned again to DTAP. With this route, the alumni could nostalgic how they were heading to campus long time ago. Not to forget, there was also a lottery door prize distributed to the participants at the beginning of the trip. After the participants returned to DTAP, the event continued with breakfast along with a lot of menu choices offered, such as satay, soup, meatballs, and liwet. While enjoying the meals, the MC announced the door prize of the lottery coupon that had been previously shared and interspersed with live music. This healthy walking ended at 11:00 am.
The series of DTAP anniversary events continued on the day after, which was on Sunday, December 17, 2017 which was also the highlight of the celebration of the 55th Anniversary of DTAP. On this Sunday, a series of events were enlivened by workshop (sarahsehan), jamming session, and exhibition of Architecture and Planning students’ works from each semester. Workshop was held in K1 & K2 DTAP, and attended by DTAP family (student, lecturer, staff and alumni), Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dean of Faculty of Engineering), and participants from outside UGM with a great speaker that is Ir. Budi Karya Sumadi (Minister of Transportation of RI), Ir. Agus Marsudi, M.SC (General Chairman of Alumni Association of Architecture and Planning Engineering Gadjah Mada), Dr.Eng. Ir. Ahmad Sarwadi, M.Eng (Head of Department of Architecture and Planning UGM) and Prof. Bhakti Setiawan, Ph.D as moderator. Workshop starts at 13.00 pm and finished at 15:30 pm. The discussion in the workshop was more about how to establish good synergic relationship between alumni and campus so as to strengthen the existence of the architectural professions and urban designers. Sarahsehan was presented with a relaxed and cheerful kinship atmosphere, yet conducive. The event ended with a photo session among the speakers and the workshop participants. The next activity was jamming session where Mr. Budi, Mr. Nizam, Mr. Bhakti or the familiar called Mr. Bobby sang and played band together on the stage. Not only the three of them, but Mr. Gusma (chairman of KATAPGAMA) and Mr. Basuki Hadimuljono (Minister of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia) also accompanied by playing music. The jamming session was continued at 19.00 WIB with some good performances from students and alumni such as Mahamantri (UGM Architecture student art community), student & alumni band, and rewarding for the lecturers of full-time employees. Not to forget, the visitors are also served with a myriad of delicious food. Jamming session ended at around 22:30 pm.
With this series of DTAP anniversary events, it is expected to increase the sense of kinship so as to establish a synergic relationship between alumni and campus.