Who doeen’t know about Mr. Ahmad Djuhara, the chairman of the Indonesian Architects Association. On Monday, August 8th 2016, he gave a public lecture to the students of architecture UGM, particularly for the freshmen. The Architecture Study Program and with the help of KMTA (Engineering Student Architecture) invited Mr. Ahmad Djuhara to fill the inaugural lecture in this first semester.
The public lecture is called “Archi-Lecture” and attended by students from the class of 2013 to 2016 which be held on room K1 and K2 of the Ministry of Architecture and Planning UGM. Not only students, some professors of architecture also attended the lecture, including Mr. Ahmad Sarwadi who previously gave a speech.
“Becoming Architect” is the main theme of this lecture. It drew the attention of the participants who want to learn more about the experiences as a person who have a lot of experience in the field. The entusiasm could be seem by some of the questions addressed to Mr. Ahmad Djuhara after he explained his lecture.
After discussion and question and answer session was followed by a group photo of all participants followed his lecture.
You can watch the full lecture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuNtkVOMfHI&list=PLtSnVuCYo-VqqB5Af1prgMV0bmWvqIxOi