Currently, the curriculum used is the 2021 Curriculum. This curriculum refers to the architectural education standards of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and the Asosiasi Pendidikan Arsitektur Indonesia (APTARI) and the professional architectural practice by UIA (International Union of Architects). In addition, the 2021 Curriculum also meets the National Higher Education Standards (SNPT) level 6 (Bachelor), namely being able to apply, study, design, and utilize science and technology to solve procedural problems. Furthermore, this curriculum has met the KAAB (Korea Architectural Accrediting Board) standards by applying Student Performance Criteria (SPC) in the courses given to students.
The following image is a Curriculum Map as an overview of undergraduate student courses over a period of 8 semesters (4 years).
Further information about the courses provided can be seen on the Courses page.